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üst üste ikinci kaydı silerken run-time hatası

üst üste ikinci kaydı silerken run-time hatası

Çözüldü #1
Üst üste 2. kaydı silerken
run-time error 3021 no current record hatası veriyor. Kod şöyle;
Private Sub Komut98_Click()
Dim blnLast As Boolean

    'MsgBox call must return the value in order to be checked.
    'If user says no then cancelling is not required.  It is only required
    '  that the deletion command is not invoked.
    If MsgBox(Prompt:="Bu kaydı silmek istediğinizden eminmisiniz?" _
            , Buttons:=vbYesNo Or vbQuestion _
            , Title:="Deleting Record") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
    'At this point it's clear we need to delete the record.
    'Using With Me is a more efficient approach to object usage.
    With Me
        'Remember for later if record is last.
        blnLast = (.CurrentRecord = .Recordset.RecordCount)
        Call .Recordset.Delete
        'Only step back if deleted record was the last.
        If blnLast Then Call DoCmd.GoToRecord(Record:=acPrevious)
    End With
End Sub

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Son Düzenleme: 18/09/2014, 15:30, Düzenleyen: azlan.

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Bu Konudaki Yorumlar
üst üste ikinci kaydı silerken run-time hatası - Yazar: azlan - 18/09/2014, 10:56