18/05/2020, 06:48
arada şu hata çıkıyor sebebini bulamadım
eklediğim son halinde boyutu biraz küçülttüm
kırmızı nokta Am/Pm her halükarda çizgi üzerinde olacak şekilde değiştirdim
selectivite ekledim ama saat olarak çalışsa bile
noktanın da saat ile birlikte yerinin değişmesini ayarlayamadım
yani selectivite "thirty" iken mouse 14:44 geldiğinde
saat 14:30 göstermesine rağmen nokta 14:44 de duruyor
eklediğim son halinde boyutu biraz küçülttüm
kırmızı nokta Am/Pm her halükarda çizgi üzerinde olacak şekilde değiştirdim
selectivite ekledim ama saat olarak çalışsa bile
noktanın da saat ile birlikte yerinin değişmesini ayarlayamadım
yani selectivite "thirty" iken mouse 14:44 geldiğinde
saat 14:30 göstermesine rağmen nokta 14:44 de duruyor
selectivite = Me.selectivite
Select Case selectivite
Case "hour"
If (DkTxt >= 0 And DkTxt < 30) Then
DkTxt = Format(0 Mod 60, "00")
SaatTxt = Format((SonDgr \ 60) + 1, "00")
DkTxt = Format(0 Mod 60, "00")
End If
Case "thirty"
If (DkTxt >= 0 And DkTxt < 30) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 15, Format(0 Mod 60, "00"), Format(30 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 30 And DkTxt < 60) Then
SaatTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 45, Format(SonDgr \ 60, "00"), Format((SonDgr \ 60) + 1, "00"))
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 45, Format(30 Mod 60, "00"), Format(0 Mod 60, "00"))
End If
Case "twenty"
If (DkTxt >= 0 And DkTxt < 20) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 10, Format(0 Mod 60, "00"), Format(20 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 20 And DkTxt < 40) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 30, Format(20 Mod 60, "00"), Format(40 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 40 And DkTxt < 60) Then
SaatTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 50, Format(SonDgr \ 60, "00"), Format((SonDgr \ 60) + 1, "00"))
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 50, Format(40 Mod 60, "00"), Format(0 Mod 60, "00"))
End If
Case "fifteen"
If (DkTxt >= 0 And DkTxt < 15) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 7, Format(0 Mod 60, "00"), Format(15 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 15 And DkTxt < 30) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 22, Format(15 Mod 60, "00"), Format(30 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 30 And DkTxt < 45) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 37, Format(30 Mod 60, "00"), Format(45 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 45 And DkTxt < 60) Then
SaatTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 52, Format(SonDgr \ 60, "00"), Format((SonDgr \ 60) + 1, "00"))
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 52, Format(45 Mod 60, "00"), Format(0 Mod 60, "00"))
End If
Case "ten"
If (DkTxt >= 0 And DkTxt < 10) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 5, Format(0 Mod 60, "00"), Format(10 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 10 And DkTxt < 20) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 15, Format(10 Mod 60, "00"), Format(20 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 20 And DkTxt < 30) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 25, Format(20 Mod 60, "00"), Format(30 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 30 And DkTxt < 40) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 35, Format(30 Mod 60, "00"), Format(40 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 40 And DkTxt < 50) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 45, Format(40 Mod 60, "00"), Format(50 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 50 And DkTxt < 60) Then
SaatTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 55, Format(SonDgr \ 60, "00"), Format((SonDgr \ 60) + 1, "00"))
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 55, Format(50 Mod 60, "00"), Format(0 Mod 60, "00"))
End If
Case "five"
If (DkTxt >= 0 And DkTxt < 5) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 3, Format(0 Mod 60, "00"), Format(5 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 5 And DkTxt < 10) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 8, Format(5 Mod 60, "00"), Format(10 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 10 And DkTxt < 15) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 13, Format(10 Mod 60, "00"), Format(15 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 15 And DkTxt < 20) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 18, Format(15 Mod 60, "00"), Format(20 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 20 And DkTxt < 25) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 23, Format(20 Mod 60, "00"), Format(25 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 25 And DkTxt < 30) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 28, Format(25 Mod 60, "00"), Format(30 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 30 And DkTxt < 35) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 33, Format(30 Mod 60, "00"), Format(35 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 35 And DkTxt < 40) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 38, Format(35 Mod 60, "00"), Format(40 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 40 And DkTxt < 45) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 43, Format(40 Mod 60, "00"), Format(45 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 45 And DkTxt < 50) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 48, Format(45 Mod 60, "00"), Format(50 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 50 And DkTxt < 55) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 53, Format(50 Mod 60, "00"), Format(55 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 55 And DkTxt < 60) Then
SaatTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 58, Format(SonDgr \ 60, "00"), Format((SonDgr \ 60) + 1, "00"))
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 58, Format(55 Mod 60, "00"), Format(0 Mod 60, "00"))
End If
Case "minute"
DkTxt = Format(SonDgr Mod 60, "00")
End Select
Private Sub Resim0_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
active = True
End Sub
Private Sub Resim0_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If (active) Then
XTan = X - nCentreLeft
YTan = nCentreUp - Y
Me.LblSaat.Caption = SaatBul
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Resim0_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
active = False
End Sub