(06/07/2019, 16:08)mehmetdemiral yazdı: Teşekkürler.Code39 VBA
Function Barcode_39(Ctrl As Control, rpt As Report)
On Error GoTo ErrorTrap_BarCode39
Dim Nbar As Single, Wbar As Single, Qbar As Single, Nextbar As Single
Dim CountX As Single, CountY As Single, CountR As Single
Dim Parts As Single, Pix As Single, Color As Long, BarCodePlus As Variant
Dim Stripes As String, BarType As String, BarCode As String
Dim Mx As Single, my As Single, Sx As Single, Sy As Single
Const White = 16777215: Const Black = 0
Const Nratio = 20, Wratio = 55, Qratio = 35
'Get control size and location properties.
Sx = Ctrl.Left: Sy = Ctrl.Top: Mx = Ctrl.Width: my = Ctrl.Height
'Set handle on control.
BarCode = Ctrl
'Calculate actual and relative pixels values.
Parts = (Len(BarCode) + 2) * ((6 * Nratio) + (3 * Wratio) + (1 * Qratio))
Pix = (Mx / Parts):
Nbar = (20 * Pix): Wbar = (55 * Pix): Qbar = (35 * Pix)
'Initialize bar index and color.
Nextbar = Sx
Color = White
'Pad each end of string with start/stop characters.
BarCodePlus = "*" & UCase(BarCode) & "*"
'Walk through each character of the barcode contents.
For CountX = 1 To Len(BarCodePlus)
'Get Barcode 1/0 string for indexed character.
Stripes = MD_BC39(Mid$(BarCodePlus, CountX, 1))
For CountY = 1 To 9
'For each 1/0, draw a wide/narrow bar.
BarType = Mid$(Stripes, CountY, 1)
'Toggle the color (black/white).
If Color = White Then Color = Black Else Color = White
Select Case BarType
Case "1"
'Draw a wide bar.
rpt.Line (Nextbar, Sy)-Step(Wbar, my), Color, BF
Nextbar = Nextbar + Wbar
Case "0"
'Draw a narrow bar.
rpt.Line (Nextbar, Sy)-Step(Nbar, my), Color, BF
Nextbar = Nextbar + Nbar
End Select
Next CountY
'Toggle the color (black/white).
If Color = White Then Color = Black Else Color = White
'Draw intermediate "quiet" bar.
rpt.Line (Nextbar, Sy)-Step(Qbar, my), Color, BF
Nextbar = Nextbar + Qbar
Next CountX
Exit Function
Resume Exit_BarCode39
End Function
Function MD_BC39(CharCode As String) As String
On Error GoTo ErrorTrap_BC39
ReDim BC39(90)
BC39(32) = "011000100" ' space
BC39(36) = "010101000" ' $
BC39(37) = "000101010" ' %
BC39(42) = "010010100" ' * Start/Stop
BC39(43) = "010001010" ' +
BC39(45) = "010000101" ' |
BC39(46) = "110000100" ' .
BC39(47) = "010100010" ' /
BC39(48) = "000110100" ' 0
BC39(49) = "100100001" ' 1
BC39(50) = "001100001" ' 2
BC39(51) = "101100000" ' 3
BC39(52) = "000110001" ' 4
BC39(53) = "100110000" ' 5
BC39(54) = "001110000" ' 6
BC39(55) = "000100101" ' 7
BC39(56) = "100100100" ' 8
BC39(57) = "001100100" ' 9
BC39(65) = "100001001" ' A
BC39(66) = "001001001" ' B
BC39(67) = "101001000" ' C
BC39(68) = "000011001" ' D
BC39(69) = "100011000" ' E
BC39(70) = "001011000" ' F
BC39(71) = "000001101" ' G
BC39(72) = "100001100" ' H
BC39(73) = "001001100" ' I
BC39(74) = "000011100" ' J
BC39(75) = "100000011" ' K
BC39(76) = "001000011" ' L
BC39(77) = "101000010" ' M
BC39(78) = "000010011" ' N
BC39(79) = "100010010" ' O
BC39(80) = "001010010" ' P
BC39(81) = "000000111" ' Q
BC39(82) = "100000110" ' R
BC39(83) = "001000110" ' S
BC39(84) = "000010110" ' T
BC39(85) = "110000001" ' U
BC39(86) = "011000001" ' V
BC39(87) = "111000000" ' W
BC39(88) = "010010001" ' X
BC39(89) = "110010000" ' Y
BC39(90) = "011010000" ' Z
MD_BC39 = BC39(Asc(CharCode))
Exit Function
MD_BC39 = ""
Resume Exit_BC39
End Function
'Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
'Dim Result As Boolean
''Result = SetBarData(BarCode, Me) Barcode_128
'Result = Barcode_39(Me.BarCode, Me)
''Result = Barcode_39(Me.Code, Me)
'End Sub