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Ekders Uygulamasında Verileri Farklı Sayfadaki Tabloya Yerleştirmek


Ekders Uygulamasında Verileri Farklı Sayfadaki Tabloya Yerleştirmek

aşağıdaki kod ilk sayfadaki toplamlar sütunundan değerleri alıp puantaj2 sayfasına yapıştırıyor, işlem yükü azaldığı için daha hızlı.
Ama yeni öğretmenler eklenmesine rağmen toplam sütunundaki formül boş bırakılmışsa boş değer dönderir
Sub Puantaj2()
Dim xSatirNo, ASonSatir, FSonSatir, XAlanlar, xSiraNo, xSonSutun As Long
xSonSutun = Cells(3, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column ' - 1
SonHrf = Replace(Cells(1, xSonSutun).Address(0, 0), 1, "")
xSatirNo = 3
ASonSatir = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
FSonSatir = Cells(Rows.Count, 6).End(xlUp).Row

XAlanlar = 3
Do While 1 = 1

xSatirNo = Range("A" & xSatirNo).End(xlDown).Row
y = Range("a" & XAlanlar).Value
x = XAlanlar
Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("B" & 2 + y).Value = Range("D" & x).Value
Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("C" & 2 + y).Value = Range("E" & x).Value
If xSatirNo > ASonSatir Then Exit Do
For x = XAlanlar To xSatirNo - 1
y = Range("a" & XAlanlar).Value
' MsgBox ("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x)
If Range("h" & x).Value = 101 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("D" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 103 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("f" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 106 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("I" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 107 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("K" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 108 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("J" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 109 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("L" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 116 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("H" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 117 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("G" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 119 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("E" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value

XAlanlar = xSatirNo
Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("B" & 2 + y).Value = Range("D" & x).Value
Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("C" & 2 + y).Value = Range("E" & x).Value
For x = XAlanlar To FSonSatir
y = Range("a" & XAlanlar).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 101 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("D" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 103 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("f" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 106 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("I" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 107 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("K" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 108 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("J" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 109 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("L" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 116 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("H" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 117 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("G" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 119 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("E" & 2 + y).Value = Range(SonHrf & x).Value
MsgBox ("Son Sütun: " & SonHrf)
End Sub

2. yöntemde ise her toplama işlemini kendi yaptığı için daha ağır ama sonuç daha güvenilir
Sub Puantaj2()
Dim xSatirNo, ASonSatir, FSonSatir, XAlanlar, xSiraNo, xSonSutun As Long
xSonSutun = Cells(3, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column - 1
SonHrf = Replace(Cells(1, xSonSutun).Address(0, 0), 1, "")
xSatirNo = 3
ASonSatir = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
FSonSatir = Cells(Rows.Count, 6).End(xlUp).Row

XAlanlar = 3
Do While 1 = 1

xSatirNo = Range("A" & xSatirNo).End(xlDown).Row
y = Range("a" & XAlanlar).Value
x = XAlanlar
Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("B" & 2 + y).Value = Range("D" & x).Value
Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("C" & 2 + y).Value = Range("E" & x).Value
If xSatirNo > ASonSatir Then Exit Do
For x = XAlanlar To xSatirNo - 1
y = Range("a" & XAlanlar).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 101 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("D" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 103 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("f" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 106 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("I" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 107 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("K" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 108 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("J" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 109 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("L" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 116 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("H" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 117 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("G" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 119 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("E" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))

XAlanlar = xSatirNo
Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("B" & 2 + y).Value = Range("D" & x).Value
Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("C" & 2 + y).Value = Range("E" & x).Value
For x = XAlanlar To FSonSatir
y = Range("a" & XAlanlar).Value
If Range("h" & x).Value = 101 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("D" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 103 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("f" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 106 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("I" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 107 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("K" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 108 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("J" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 109 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("L" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 116 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("H" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 117 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("G" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
If Range("h" & x).Value = 119 Then Sheets("Puantaj2").Range("E" & 2 + y).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("R" & x & ":" & SonHrf & x))
MsgBox ("Son Sütun: " & SonHrf)
End Sub

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Cvp: Ekders Uygulamasında Verileri Farklı Sayfadaki Tabloya Yerleştirmek - Yazar: berduş - 27/05/2019, 03:14