If Nz(sQueryParams, "") <> "" Then
MyParameters = Split(sQueryParams, "|", -1, vbTextCompare)
If MyParameters(0) = "*UseQueryDef*" Then
For nParameter = 0 To UBound(MyParameters)
If Not init Then
If IsDevEnv() Then
IsIDEUnderVista = (OsVersion() >= 6)
If IsIDEUnderVista Then Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
End If
init = True
End If
If Not IsIDEUnderVista Then
VBA.SendKeys MyParameters(nParameter) & "{Enter}"
WshShell.SendKeys MyParameters(nParameter) & "{Enter}"
' SendKeys MyParameters(nParameter) & "{Enter}"
End If
End If
'send some CR's if requested
'Kris 20100823 - Send Keys fix
For nLoop = 1 To nEnters
'SendKeys "{Enter}", False
If Not init Then
If IsDevEnv() Then
IsIDEUnderVista = (OsVersion() >= 6)
If IsIDEUnderVista Then Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
End If
init = True
End If
If Not IsIDEUnderVista Then
VBA.SendKeys "{Enter}", False
WshShell.SendKeys "{Enter}", False
End If
Private Function IsDevEnv() As Boolean
Dim x As Long
Debug.Assert Not TestIDE(x)
IsDevEnv = x = 1
End Function
Private Function TestIDE(x As Long) As Boolean
x = 1
End Function