sn. @berduş ofisteki pc de bir önceki mesajdaki hatayı vermiyor. ama yinede madem timepicker olacak her pc de hataszı çalışsa çok güzel olur
eklediğim son halinde boyutu biraz küçülttüm
kırmızı nokta Am/Pm her halükarda çizgi üzerinde olacak şekilde değiştirdim
selectivite ekledim ama saat olarak çalışsa bile
noktanın da saat ile birlikte yerinin değişmesini ayarlayamadım
yani selectivite "thirty" iken mouse 14:44 geldiğinde
saat 14:30 göstermesine rağmen nokta 14:44 de duruyor
selectivite = Me.selectivite
Select Case selectivite
Case "hour"
If (DkTxt >= 0 And DkTxt < 30) Then
DkTxt = Format(0 Mod 60, "00")
SaatTxt = Format((SonDgr \ 60) + 1, "00")
DkTxt = Format(0 Mod 60, "00")
End If
Case "thirty"
If (DkTxt >= 0 And DkTxt < 30) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 15, Format(0 Mod 60, "00"), Format(30 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 30 And DkTxt < 60) Then
SaatTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 45, Format(SonDgr \ 60, "00"), Format((SonDgr \ 60) + 1, "00"))
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 45, Format(30 Mod 60, "00"), Format(0 Mod 60, "00"))
End If
Case "twenty"
If (DkTxt >= 0 And DkTxt < 20) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 10, Format(0 Mod 60, "00"), Format(20 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 20 And DkTxt < 40) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 30, Format(20 Mod 60, "00"), Format(40 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 40 And DkTxt < 60) Then
SaatTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 50, Format(SonDgr \ 60, "00"), Format((SonDgr \ 60) + 1, "00"))
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 50, Format(40 Mod 60, "00"), Format(0 Mod 60, "00"))
End If
Case "fifteen"
If (DkTxt >= 0 And DkTxt < 15) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 7, Format(0 Mod 60, "00"), Format(15 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 15 And DkTxt < 30) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 22, Format(15 Mod 60, "00"), Format(30 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 30 And DkTxt < 45) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 37, Format(30 Mod 60, "00"), Format(45 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 45 And DkTxt < 60) Then
SaatTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 52, Format(SonDgr \ 60, "00"), Format((SonDgr \ 60) + 1, "00"))
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 52, Format(45 Mod 60, "00"), Format(0 Mod 60, "00"))
End If
Case "ten"
If (DkTxt >= 0 And DkTxt < 10) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 5, Format(0 Mod 60, "00"), Format(10 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 10 And DkTxt < 20) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 15, Format(10 Mod 60, "00"), Format(20 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 20 And DkTxt < 30) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 25, Format(20 Mod 60, "00"), Format(30 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 30 And DkTxt < 40) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 35, Format(30 Mod 60, "00"), Format(40 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 40 And DkTxt < 50) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 45, Format(40 Mod 60, "00"), Format(50 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 50 And DkTxt < 60) Then
SaatTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 55, Format(SonDgr \ 60, "00"), Format((SonDgr \ 60) + 1, "00"))
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 55, Format(50 Mod 60, "00"), Format(0 Mod 60, "00"))
End If
Case "five"
If (DkTxt >= 0 And DkTxt < 5) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 3, Format(0 Mod 60, "00"), Format(5 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 5 And DkTxt < 10) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 8, Format(5 Mod 60, "00"), Format(10 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 10 And DkTxt < 15) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 13, Format(10 Mod 60, "00"), Format(15 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 15 And DkTxt < 20) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 18, Format(15 Mod 60, "00"), Format(20 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 20 And DkTxt < 25) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 23, Format(20 Mod 60, "00"), Format(25 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 25 And DkTxt < 30) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 28, Format(25 Mod 60, "00"), Format(30 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 30 And DkTxt < 35) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 33, Format(30 Mod 60, "00"), Format(35 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 35 And DkTxt < 40) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 38, Format(35 Mod 60, "00"), Format(40 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 40 And DkTxt < 45) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 43, Format(40 Mod 60, "00"), Format(45 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 45 And DkTxt < 50) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 48, Format(45 Mod 60, "00"), Format(50 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 50 And DkTxt < 55) Then
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 53, Format(50 Mod 60, "00"), Format(55 Mod 60, "00"))
ElseIf (DkTxt >= 55 And DkTxt < 60) Then
SaatTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 58, Format(SonDgr \ 60, "00"), Format((SonDgr \ 60) + 1, "00"))
DkTxt = IIf(DkTxt < 58, Format(55 Mod 60, "00"), Format(0 Mod 60, "00"))
End If
Case "minute"
DkTxt = Format(SonDgr Mod 60, "00")
End Select
ofisteki pc dede şu hatayı verdi
sadece mouse basılı iken işlem yapması için şunları ekledim daha güzel oldu
Private Sub Resim0_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
active = True
End Sub
Private Sub Resim0_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
If (active) Then
XTan = X - nCentreLeft
YTan = nCentreUp - Y
Me.LblSaat.Caption = SaatBul
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Resim0_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
active = False
End Sub