Private Sub ComboBox_FirmaUnvani_Change()
Dim bul As Range, kontrol As Control
For Each kontrol In Me.Controls
If kontrol.Name <> Me.ComboBox_FirmaUnvani.Name Then
Select Case TypeName(kontrol)
Case Is = "TextBox": kontrol.Value = Empty
Case Is = "ComboBox": kontrol.Value = Empty
Case Is = "CheckBox": kontrol.Value = Empty
End Select
End If
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Ana_Sayfa")
Set bul = .Range("C:C").Find(Me.ComboBox_FirmaUnvani.Text, , xlValues, 1)
If Not bul Is Nothing Then
Me.TextBox_FirmaAdi.Value = .Range("B" & bul.Row).Value
Me.TextBox_YetkiliKisi.Value = .Range("D" & bul.Row).Value
Me.TextBox_Telefon.Value = .Range("E" & bul.Row).Value
Me.TextBox_Gsm.Value = .Range("F" & bul.Row).Value
Me.TextBox_Email.Value = .Range("G" & bul.Row).Value
Me.TextBox_Adres.Value = .Range("H" & bul.Row).Value
Me.TextBox_Aciklama.Value = .Range("I" & bul.Row).Value
Me.ComboBox_Bolge.Value = .Range("L" & bul.Row).Value
Me.ComboBox_Temsilci.Value = .Range("M" & bul.Row).Value
Me.ComboBox_Sehir.Value = .Range("K" & bul.Row).Value
Me.ComboBox_Ilce.Value = .Range("J" & bul.Row).Value
Me.ComboBox_RouteDay.Value = .Range("N" & bul.Row).Value
Me.ComboBox_YetkiliBayilik.Value = .Range("O" & bul.Row).Value
Me.TextBox_Tarih.Value = .Range("Z" & bul.Row).Value
' Me.CheckBox_BioClimatic.Value = .Range("P" & bul.Row).Value
' Me.CheckBox_CamBalkon.Value = .Range("Q" & bul.Row).Value
' Me.CheckBox_CamTavan.Value = .Range("R" & bul.Row).Value
' Me.CheckBox_FotoselliKapi.Value = .Range("S" & bul.Row).Value
' Me.CheckBox_Giyotin.Value = .Range("T" & bul.Row).Value
' Me.CheckBox_İsicamliSurme.Value = .Range("U" & bul.Row).Value
' Me.CheckBox_Pergola.Value = .Range("V" & bul.Row).Value
' Me.CheckBox_RuzgarKirici.Value = .Range("W" & bul.Row).Value
' Me.CheckBox_TavanPerdesi.Value = .Range("X" & bul.Row).Value
' Me.CheckBox_ZipPerde.Value = .Range("Y" & bul.Row).Value
End If
End With
Set bul = Nothing
End Sub