evet mantıklı sn. @feraz
For i = 1 to len(kelime)
İf mid(kelime,i,1)= "i" then
Say = say+1
İf say = 6 then
End if
End if
Private Sub degis()
Dim intSira As Integer, txtMtn As String, txtBul As String, txtDgs As String
intSira = 8
txtBul = "İ"
txtDgs = " $€£ "
MsgBox degisHrf(txtMtn, intSira, txtBul, txtDgs)
End Sub
Function degisHrf(txtMtn As String, intSira As Integer, txtBul As String, txtDgs As String) As String
On Error GoTo Err_hata
Dim result As String
Dim x, y As Integer
y = 0
For x = 1 To intSira
y = InStr(y + 1, txtMtn, txtBul)
Next x
result = Left(txtMtn, y - 1) & txtDgs & Mid(txtMtn, y + Len(txtBul))
degisHrf = result
Exit Function
result = txtMtn
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_kod
End Function