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Led Tabela

Buyrun bakalım Led Tabelenın Kodları kim AccessTr.Net'ten neler öğrenmiş görelim.Çalışan örnek Proje Özel Üye Bölümündedir.

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function Rectangle Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function Ellipse Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function BitBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hDestDC As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetPixel Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetPixelV Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function StretchBlt Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long, ByVal hSrcDC As Long, ByVal xSrc As Long, ByVal ySrc As Long, ByVal nSrcWidth As Long, ByVal nSrcHeight As Long, ByVal dwRop As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function LineTo Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function MoveToEx Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, lpPoint As POINTAPI) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleBitmap Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nWidth As Long, ByVal nHeight As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function CreateCompatibleDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetDC Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteDC Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long) As Long
Private myBufferBMP As Long
Private myBackBuffer As Long
Private myImageDC As Long
Private Type Alpha
    Width As Integer
    Height As Integer
    Pnt() As Integer
    End Type
    Private Alpha() As Alpha
    Private MtxImage() As Alpha
Private Type POINTAPI
    x As Long
    y As Long
    End Type
Private vStartVisible           As Boolean
Private vUseFontAntiAliasing     As Boolean
Private vBackColour             As OLE_COLOR
Private vElementColour          As OLE_COLOR
Private vElementOpacity         As Integer
Private vDisplayFont            As Font
Private vYOffSet                As Integer
Private vCharacterSpaceOffSet   As Integer
Private vDisplayPosition        As Integer
Private vText                   As String
Private vImagePlaceHolder       As String
Private vImageCollection        As Picture
Private vImageRows              As Integer
Private vImageCols              As Integer
Private vImageCellWidth         As Integer
Private vImageCellHeight        As Integer
Private vBounce                 As Boolean
Private vDisplayErrors          As Boolean
Private vElementHeight          As Integer
Private vElementWidth           As Integer
Private vElementGlow            As Boolean
Private vGlowIntencity          As Integer
Private vLCDScaleWidth          As Integer
Private vLCDScaleHeight         As Integer
Private vSnapToElement          As Boolean
Private ElementGlowColour       As Long
Private vFadeLeft               As Boolean
Private vFadeRight              As Boolean
Private Const Def_GlowIntencity = 20
Private Const Def_ElementHeight = 4
Private Const Def_ElementWidth = 4
Public Enum ElementStyle
    [Square] = 0
    End Enum
Private vElementType            As ElementStyle
Public Enum LCDScaleModeAs
    [Twips] = 0
    [Pixel] = 1
    [Elements] = 2
    End Enum
Private vLCDScaleMode              As LCDScaleModeAs
Public Event Click()
Public Event DblClick()
Public Event MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Public Event MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Public Event KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
Private GenHeight As Integer
Private WidthCount As Integer
Private MatrixString() As Integer
Private MaxLead As Integer
Private ScrollLeft As Boolean
Private Resizeing As Boolean
Private Initiated As Boolean
Private Sub UserControl_Click()
    RaiseEvent Click
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_DblClick()
    RaiseEvent DblClick
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    RaiseEvent KeyPress(KeyAscii)
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
    RaiseEvent MouseDown(Button, Shift, x, y)
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
    RaiseEvent MouseUp(Button, Shift, x, y)
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
    vBackColour = vbBlack
    vElementColour = vbWhite
    vElementOpacity = 100
    Set vDisplayFont = Ambient.Font
    vCharacterSpaceOffSet = 1
    vYOffSet = 0
    vDisplayPosition = 0
    vText = UserControl.Name
    vImagePlaceHolder = ""
    Set vImageCollection = Nothing
    vImageRows = 1
    vImageCols = 1
    vImageCellWidth = 0
    vImageCellHeight = 0
    vBounce = False
    vDisplayErrors = False
    vElementType = [Square]
    vElementHeight = Def_ElementHeight
    vElementWidth = Def_ElementWidth
    vElementGlow = True
    vGlowIntencity = Def_GlowIntencity
    vLCDScaleMode = [Elements]
    vSnapToElement = True
    vUseFontAntiAliasing = True
    vStartVisible = True
    vFadeLeft = True
    vFadeRight = True
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
    With PropBag
        vBackColour = .ReadProperty("BackColour", vbBlack)
        vElementColour = .ReadProperty("ElementColour", vbWhite)
        vElementOpacity = .ReadProperty("ElementOpacity", 100)
        Set vDisplayFont = .ReadProperty("DisplayFont", Ambient.Font)
        vYOffSet = .ReadProperty("YOffSet", 0)
        vCharacterSpaceOffSet = .ReadProperty("CharacterSpaceOffSet", 1)
        vDisplayPosition = .ReadProperty("DisplayPosition", 0)
        vText = .ReadProperty("Text", UserControl.Name)
        vImagePlaceHolder = .ReadProperty("ImagePlaceHolder", "")
        Set vImageCollection = .ReadProperty("ImageCollection", Nothing)
        vImageRows = .ReadProperty("ImageRows", 1)
        vImageCols = .ReadProperty("ImageCols", 1)
        vImageCellWidth = .ReadProperty("ImageCellWidth", 0)
        vImageCellHeight = .ReadProperty("ImageCellHeight", 0)
        vBounce = .ReadProperty("Bounce", False)
        vDisplayErrors = .ReadProperty("DisplayErrors", False)
        vElementType = .ReadProperty("ElementType", [Square])
        vElementHeight = .ReadProperty("ElementHeight", Def_ElementHeight)
        vElementWidth = .ReadProperty("ElementWidth", Def_ElementWidth)
        vElementGlow = .ReadProperty("ElementGlow", True)
        vGlowIntencity = .ReadProperty("GlowIntencity", Def_GlowIntencity)
        vLCDScaleMode = .ReadProperty("LCDScaleMode", [Elements])
        vLCDScaleWidth = .ReadProperty("LCDScaleWidth", 0)
        vLCDScaleHeight = .ReadProperty("LCDScaleHeight", 0)
        vSnapToElement = .ReadProperty("SnapToElement", True)
        vUseFontAntiAliasing = .ReadProperty("UseFontAntiAliasing", True)
        vDisplayErrors = .ReadProperty("DisplayErrors", False)
        vStartVisible = .ReadProperty("StartVisible", True)
        vFadeLeft = .ReadProperty("FadeLeft", True)
        vFadeRight = .ReadProperty("FadeRight", True)
    End With
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
    If SnapToElement = True Then
        If Resizeing = False Then
            Resizeing = True
            Height = ((Int(ScaleHeight / ElementHeight) * ElementHeight) + 1) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
            Width = ((Int(ScaleWidth / ElementWidth) * ElementWidth) + 1) * Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Resizeing = False
    End If
    If Initiated = True Then DrawElements
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
    With PropBag
        .WriteProperty "BackColour", vBackColour, vbBlack
        .WriteProperty "ElementColour", vElementColour, vbWhite
        .WriteProperty "ElementOpacity", vElementOpacity, 100
        .WriteProperty "DisplayFont", vDisplayFont, Ambient.Font
        .WriteProperty "YOffSet", vYOffSet, 0
        .WriteProperty "CharacterSpaceOffSet", vCharacterSpaceOffSet, 1
        .WriteProperty "DisplayPosition", vDisplayPosition, 0
        .WriteProperty "Text", vText, UserControl.Name
        .WriteProperty "ImagePlaceHolder", vImagePlaceHolder, ""
        .WriteProperty "ImageCollection", vImageCollection, Nothing
        .WriteProperty "ImageRows", vImageRows, 1
        .WriteProperty "ImageCols", vImageCols, 1
        .WriteProperty "ImageCellWidth", vImageCellWidth, 0
        .WriteProperty "ImageCellHeight", vImageCellHeight, 0
        .WriteProperty "Bounce", vBounce, False
        .WriteProperty "DisplayErrors", vDisplayErrors, False
        .WriteProperty "ElementType", vElementType, [Square]
        .WriteProperty "ElementHeight", vElementHeight, Def_ElementHeight
        .WriteProperty "ElementWidth", vElementWidth, Def_ElementWidth
        .WriteProperty "ElementGlow", vElementGlow, True
        .WriteProperty "GlowIntencity", vGlowIntencity, Def_GlowIntencity
        .WriteProperty "LCDScaleMode", vLCDScaleMode, [Elements]
        .WriteProperty "LCDScaleWidth", vLCDScaleWidth, 0
        .WriteProperty "LCDScaleHeight", vLCDScaleHeight, 0
        .WriteProperty "SnapToElement", vSnapToElement, True
        .WriteProperty "UseFontAntiAliasing", vUseFontAntiAliasing, True
        .WriteProperty "DisplayErrors", vDisplayErrors, False
        .WriteProperty "StartVisible", vStartVisible, True
        .WriteProperty "FadeLeft", vFadeLeft, True
        .WriteProperty "FadeRight", vFadeRight, True
    End With
End Sub
Public Property Get BackColour() As OLE_COLOR
    BackColour = vBackColour
End Property
Public Property Let BackColour(ByVal vNewColour As OLE_COLOR)
    vBackColour = vNewColour
    PropertyChanged "BackColour"
End Property
Public Property Get ElementColour() As OLE_COLOR
    ElementColour = vElementColour
End Property
Public Property Let ElementColour(ByVal vNewColour As OLE_COLOR)
    vElementColour = vNewColour
    PropertyChanged "ElementColour"
End Property
Public Property Get ElementOpacity() As Integer
    ElementOpacity = vElementOpacity
End Property
Public Property Let ElementOpacity(ByVal vNewOpacity As Integer)
    If vNewOpacity < 0 Then vNewOpacity = 0
    If vNewOpacity > 100 Then vNewOpacity = 100
    vElementOpacity = vNewOpacity
    PropertyChanged "ElementOpacity"
End Property
Public Property Get DisplayFont() As Font
    Set DisplayFont = vDisplayFont
End Property
Public Property Set DisplayFont(ByVal vNewFont As Font)
    Set vDisplayFont = vNewFont
    PropertyChanged "DisplayFont"
End Property
Public Property Get YOffSet() As Integer
    YOffSet = vYOffSet
End Property
Public Property Let YOffSet(ByVal vNewYOffSet As Integer)
    If vNewYOffSet < -100 Then vNewYOffSet = -100
    If vNewYOffSet > 100 Then vNewYOffSet = 100
    vYOffSet = vNewYOffSet
    PropertyChanged "YOffSet"
End Property
Public Property Get CharacterSpaceOffSet() As Integer
    CharacterSpaceOffSet = vCharacterSpaceOffSet
End Property
Public Property Let CharacterSpaceOffSet(ByVal vNewCharacterSpaceOffSet As Integer)
    If vNewCharacterSpaceOffSet < -5 Then vNewCharacterSpaceOffSet = -5
    If vNewCharacterSpaceOffSet > 5 Then vNewCharacterSpaceOffSet = 5
    vCharacterSpaceOffSet = vNewCharacterSpaceOffSet
    PropertyChanged "CharacterSpaceOffSet"
End Property
Public Property Get DisplayPosition() As Integer
    DisplayPosition = vDisplayPosition
End Property
Private Property Let DisplayPosition(ByVal vNewPosition As Integer)
    vDisplayPosition = vNewPosition
    PropertyChanged "DisplayPosition"
End Property
Public Property Get Text() As String
    Text = vText
End Property
Public Property Let Text(ByVal vNewText As String)
    vText = vNewText
    PropertyChanged "Text"
    BuildMatrixString vNewText
    Bounce = Bounce
End Property
Public Property Get ImagePlaceHolder() As String
    ImagePlaceHolder = vImagePlaceHolder
End Property
Public Property Let ImagePlaceHolder(ByVal vNewPlaceHolder As String)
    If IsNumeric(vNewPlaceHolder) = True Then
        If DisplayErrors = True Then
            MsgBox "Cannot Use Numbers as Image Place Holders.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
        End If
        Exit Property
    End If
    vImagePlaceHolder = vNewPlaceHolder
    PropertyChanged "ImagePlaceHolder"
    BuildMatrixString Text
End Property
Public Property Get ImageCollection() As Picture
    Set ImageCollection = vImageCollection
End Property
Public Property Set ImageCollection(ByVal vNewImage As Picture)
    Set vImageCollection = vNewImage
    PropertyChanged "ImageCollection"
    vImagePlaceHolder = ""
    vImageCols = 1
    vImageRows = 1
    PropertyChanged "ImagePlaceHolder"
    PropertyChanged "ImageCols"
    PropertyChanged "ImageRows"
End Property
Public Property Get ImageRows() As Integer
    ImageRows = vImageRows
End Property
Public Property Let ImageRows(ByVal vNewRows As Integer)
    If vNewRows < 1 Then vNewRows = 1
    If vNewRows > 1000 Then vNewRows = 1000
    If vNewRows > CollectionImageHeight Then
        If DisplayErrors = True Then
            MsgBox "Image Not High Enough To Allow For This Number Of Rows", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
        End If
        Exit Property
    End If
    vImageRows = vNewRows
    PropertyChanged "vImageRows"
End Property
Public Property Get ImageCols() As Integer
    ImageCols = vImageCols
End Property
Public Property Let ImageCols(ByVal vNewCols As Integer)
    If vNewCols < 1 Then vNewCols = 1
    If vNewCols > 100 Then vNewCols = 100
    If vNewCols > CollectionImageWidth Then
        If DisplayErrors = True Then
            MsgBox "Image Not Wide Enough To Allow For This Number Of Columns", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
        End If
        Exit Property
    End If
    vImageCols = vNewCols
    PropertyChanged "ImageCols"
End Property
Public Property Get ImageCellWidth() As Integer
    ImageCellWidth = vImageCellWidth
End Property
Private Property Let ImageCellWidth(ByVal vNewCellWidth As Integer)
    vImageCellWidth = vNewCellWidth
    PropertyChanged "ImageCellWidth"
End Property
Public Property Get ImageCellHeight() As Integer
    ImageCellHeight = vImageCellHeight
End Property
Private Property Let ImageCellHeight(ByVal vNewCellHeight As Integer)
    vImageCellHeight = vNewCellHeight
    PropertyChanged "ImageCellHeight"
End Property
Public Property Get Bounce() As Boolean
    Bounce = vBounce
End Property
Public Property Let Bounce(ByVal vNewBounce As Boolean)
    If WidthCount - (MaxLead * 2) < ScaleWidth / ElementWidth And vNewBounce = True Then
        If DisplayErrors = True Then
            MsgBox "Text Is Too Short To Bounce", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
        End If
        vNewBounce = False
    End If
    vBounce = vNewBounce
    PropertyChanged "Bounce"
End Property
Public Property Get DisplayErrors() As Boolean
    DisplayErrors = vDisplayErrors
End Property
Public Property Let DisplayErrors(ByVal vNewDisplayErrors As Boolean)
    vDisplayErrors = vNewDisplayErrors
    PropertyChanged "DisplayErrors"
End Property
Public Property Get ElementType() As ElementStyle
    ElementType = vElementType
End Property
Public Property Let ElementType(ByVal vNewElementType As ElementStyle)
    vElementType = vNewElementType
    PropertyChanged "ElementType"
End Property
Public Property Get ElementHeight() As Integer
    ElementHeight = vElementHeight
End Property
Public Property Let ElementHeight(ByVal vNewElementHeight As Integer)
    If vNewElementHeight < 1 Then vNewElementHeight = 1
    If vNewElementHeight > 10 Then vNewElementHeight = 10
    vElementHeight = vNewElementHeight
    PropertyChanged "ElementHeight"
End Property
Public Property Get ElementWidth() As Integer
    ElementWidth = vElementWidth
End Property
Public Property Let ElementWidth(ByVal vNewElementWidth As Integer)
    If vNewElementWidth < 1 Then vNewElementWidth = 1
    If vNewElementWidth > 10 Then vNewElementWidth = 10
    vElementWidth = vNewElementWidth
    PropertyChanged "ElementWidth"
End Property
Public Property Get ElementGlow() As Boolean
    ElementGlow = vElementGlow
End Property
Public Property Let ElementGlow(ByVal vNewElementGlow As Boolean)
    vElementGlow = vNewElementGlow
    PropertyChanged "ElementGlow"
End Property
Public Property Get GlowIntencity() As Integer
    GlowIntencity = vGlowIntencity
End Property
Public Property Let GlowIntencity(ByVal vNewGlowIntencity As Integer)
    If vNewGlowIntencity < 0 Then vNewGlowIntencity = 0
    If vNewGlowIntencity > 100 Then vGlowIntencity = 100
    vGlowIntencity = vNewGlowIntencity
    PropertyChanged "GlowIntencity"
End Property
Public Property Get LCDScaleMode() As LCDScaleModeAs
    LCDScaleMode = vLCDScaleMode
End Property
Public Property Let LCDScaleMode(ByVal vNewLCDScaleMode As LCDScaleModeAs)
    vLCDScaleMode = vNewLCDScaleMode
    PropertyChanged "LCDScaleMode"
End Property
Public Property Get LCDScaleWidth() As Integer
    Select Case LCDScaleMode
        Case [Twips]
            LCDScaleWidth = UserControl.Width
        Case [Pixel]
            LCDScaleWidth = UserControl.ScaleWidth
        Case [Elements]
            LCDScaleWidth = UserControl.ScaleWidth / ElementWidth
    End Select
End Property
Public Property Let LCDScaleWidth(ByVal vNewLCDScaleWidth As Integer)
    MsgBox "This Property Is Read Only.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
End Property
Public Property Get LCDScaleHeight() As Integer
    Select Case LCDScaleMode
        Case [Twips]
            LCDScaleHeight = UserControl.Height
        Case [Pixel]
            LCDScaleHeight = UserControl.ScaleHeight
        Case [Elements]
            LCDScaleHeight = UserControl.ScaleHeight / ElementHeight
    End Select
End Property
Public Property Let LCDScaleHeight(ByVal vNewLCDScaleHeight As Integer)
    If DisplayErrors = True Then MsgBox "This Property Is Read Only.", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
End Property
Public Property Get SnapToElement() As Boolean
    If DisplayErrors = True Then SnapToElement = vSnapToElement
End Property
Public Property Let SnapToElement(ByVal vNewSnap As Boolean)
    vSnapToElement = vNewSnap
    PropertyChanged "SnapToElement"
End Property
Private Sub DrawElements()
    If MxCharCount = -1 Or WidthCount = 0 Then InitiateControl
    Dim FillColour As Long
    Dim x As Integer
    Dim y As Integer
    Dim ActualElementColour As Long
    Dim ActualWidth As Integer
    Dim ActualHeight As Integer
    Dim pPoint As POINTAPI
    Dim EdgeColour As Long
    ActualWidth = Int(ScaleWidth / ElementWidth)
    ActualHeight = Int(ScaleHeight / ElementHeight)
    ElementGlowColour = GetOpacityColourEx(ElementColour, BackColour, GlowIntencity)
    If ElementGlow = True Then
        ActualElementColour = GetOpacityColourEx(ElementColour, ElementGlowColour, ElementOpacity)
        ActualElementColour = GetOpacityColourEx(ElementColour, BackColour, ElementOpacity)
    End If
    ForeColor = BackColour
    BackColor = BackColour
    Dim AX As Integer, AY As Integer
    For y = 0 To ActualHeight + Abs(YOffSet)
        For x = 0 To ActualWidth
            AX = x + DisplayPosition
            AY = y
            If vElementGlow = True Then
                FillColor = ElementGlowColour
                FillColour = ElementGlowColour
                FillColor = BackColour
                FillColour = BackColour
            End If
            If AY <= GenHeight And AX <= WidthCount Then
                If MatrixString(AX, AY) <> 0 Then
                    If UseFontAntiAliasing = True Then
                        If vElementGlow = True Then
                            FillColour = GetOpacityColourEx(ActualElementColour, ElementGlowColour, CInt(MatrixString(AX, AY)))
                            FillColour = GetOpacityColourEx(ActualElementColour, BackColour, CInt(MatrixString(AX, AY)))
                        End If
                        FillColour = ActualElementColour
                    End If
                    If FadeLeft = True Then
                        If x < 10 Then
                            If vElementGlow = True Then
                                FillColour = GetOpacityColourEx(FillColour, ElementGlowColour, x * 10)
                                FillColour = GetOpacityColourEx(FillColour, BackColour, x * 10)
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    If FadeRight = True Then
                        If x > ActualWidth - 10 Then
                            If vElementGlow = True Then
                                FillColour = GetOpacityColourEx(FillColour, ElementGlowColour, (ActualWidth - x) * 10)
                                FillColour = GetOpacityColourEx(FillColour, BackColour, (ActualWidth - x) * 10)
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    SetPixelV myBackBuffer, x, y + (YOffSet), FillColour
                    SetPixelV myBackBuffer, x, y + (YOffSet), FillColour
                End If
                SetPixelV myBackBuffer, x, y + (YOffSet), FillColour
            End If
        Next x
    Next y
    For y = 0 To YOffSet
        For x = 0 To ActualWidth
        If vElementGlow = True Then
                FillColor = ElementGlowColour
                FillColour = ElementGlowColour
                FillColor = BackColour
                FillColour = BackColour
            End If
            SetPixelV myBackBuffer, x, y, FillColour
        Next x
    Next y
    StretchBlt UserControl.hdc, 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight, myBackBuffer, 0, 0, ActualWidth, ActualHeight, vbSrcCopy
    If ElementHeight > 1 And ElementWidth > 1 Then
        For x = 0 To ScaleWidth Step ElementWidth
            MoveToEx UserControl.hdc, x, 0, pPoint
            LineTo UserControl.hdc, x, ScaleHeight
        Next x
        For y = 0 To ScaleHeight Step ElementHeight
            MoveToEx UserControl.hdc, 0, y, pPoint
            LineTo UserControl.hdc, ScaleWidth, y
        Next y
    End If
End Sub
Public Sub UpdateDisplay(Optional Scroll As Boolean = False)
    If Scroll = True Then
        If Bounce = False Then
            vDisplayPosition = DisplayPosition + 1
            If vDisplayPosition >= WidthCount - (MaxLead) Then vDisplayPosition = 0
            If ScrollLeft = True Then
                vDisplayPosition = DisplayPosition + 1
                If vDisplayPosition > WidthCount - (MaxLead * 2) Then ScrollLeft = False
                vDisplayPosition = DisplayPosition - 1
                If vDisplayPosition < MaxLead Then ScrollLeft = True
            End If
        End If
        PropertyChanged "Displayposition"
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub InitiateControl()
    Erase Alpha
    Erase MatrixString
    DeleteObject myBufferBMP
    DeleteDC myBackBuffer
    myBackBuffer = CreateCompatibleDC(GetDC(0))
    myBufferBMP = CreateCompatibleBitmap(GetDC(0), UserControl.ScaleWidth, UserControl.ScaleHeight)
    SelectObject myBackBuffer, myBufferBMP
    If StartVisible = True Then
        vDisplayPosition = MaxLead
        vDisplayPosition = 0
    End If
    ScrollLeft = True
    PropertyChanged "DisplayPosition"
End Sub
Private Sub LoadCollectionImage()
    Erase MtxImage
    If isImageLoaded = False Then Exit Sub
    DeleteDC myImageDC
    myImageDC = CreateCompatibleDC(GetDC(0))
    SelectObject myImageDC, vImageCollection
    ImageCellWidth = CollectionImageWidth \ ImageCols
    ImageCellHeight = CollectionImageHeight \ ImageRows
    BuildMatrixString Text
End Sub
Private Sub ConvertToGreyScale()
    Dim x As Long
    Dim y As Long
    Dim Red As Byte
    Dim Green As Byte
    Dim Blue As Byte
    Dim LongColour As Long
    Dim AmbientColour As Long
    For x = 0 To CollectionImageWidth
        For y = 0 To CollectionImageHeight
            LongColour = GetPixel(myImageDC, x, y)
            CRGB LongColour, Red, Green, Blue
            AmbientColour = (222 * CLng(Red) + 707 * CLng(Green) + 71 * CLng(Blue)) / 1000
            SetPixelV myImageDC, x, y, RGB(AmbientColour, AmbientColour, AmbientColour)
        Next y
    Next x
End Sub
Private Function isImageLoaded() As Boolean
On Error GoTo LoadedError
    If ImageCollection.Width <> 0 Then isImageLoaded = True
Exit Function
    isImageLoaded = False
End Function
Public Function CollectionImageWidth() As Integer
    CollectionImageWidth = ScaleX(ImageCollection.Width)
End Function
Public Function CollectionImageHeight() As Integer
    CollectionImageHeight = ScaleY(ImageCollection.Height)
End Function
Public Sub BuildString()
    BuildMatrixString Text
End Sub
Private Function CRGB(LongColour As Long, Optional Red As Byte, Optional Green As Byte, Optional Blue As Byte)
        Red = LongColour And 255
        Green = (LongColour \ 256) And 255
        Blue = (LongColour \ 65536) And 255
End Function
Private Function GetOpacityColourEx(Colour1 As Long, Colour2 As Long, Opacity As Integer) As Long
    If Opacity >= 100 Then GetOpacityColourEx = Colour1: Exit Function
    If Opacity <= 0 Then GetOpacityColourEx = Colour2: Exit Function
    Dim SR As Double
    Dim SG As Double
    Dim SB As Double
    Dim SpriteColour As Long
    Dim R1 As Byte, G1 As Byte, B1 As Byte
    CRGB Colour1, R1, G1, B1
    Dim R2 As Byte, G2 As Byte, B2 As Byte
    CRGB Colour2, R2, G2, B2
    SR = CDbl(R1) - R2
    SG = CDbl(G1) - G2
    SB = CDbl(B1) - B2
    SR = (SR + 1) / 100
    SG = (SG + 1) / 100
    SB = (SB + 1) / 100
    GetOpacityColourEx = RGB(R2 + (SR * Opacity), G2 + (SG * Opacity), B2 + (SB * Opacity))
End Function
Private Function MxCharCount() As Integer
On Error GoTo MatrixError
    MxCharCount = UBound(Alpha)
Exit Function
    MxCharCount = -1
End Function
Private Sub BuildAlphaMatrix()
    Initiated = False
    Set Canvas.Font = DisplayFont
    Set Character.Font = DisplayFont
    Erase Alpha
    Dim LP As Integer
    Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
    For LP = 33 To 126
        Character.Caption = Chr(LP)
        Canvas.Width = Character.Width
        Canvas.Height = Character.Height
        Canvas.Picture = Nothing
        Canvas.Print Chr(LP)
        Canvas.Picture = Canvas.Image
        ReDim Preserve Alpha(LP)
        Alpha(LP).Width = Canvas.ScaleWidth
        Alpha(LP).Height = Canvas.ScaleHeight
        ReDim Preserve Alpha(LP).Pnt(Alpha(LP).Width, Alpha(LP).Height)
        Dim Offx As Integer
        Dim RetR As Byte
        Offx = 0
        For y = 0 To Canvas.ScaleHeight
            For x = Offx To Canvas.ScaleWidth - Offx
                If Canvas.Point(x, y) <> vbWhite Then
                    CRGB Canvas.Point(x, y), , RetR
                    Alpha(LP).Pnt(x - Offx, y) = 100 - CPerc(RetR)
                    Alpha(LP).Pnt(x - Offx, y) = 0
                End If
            Next x
        Next y
    Next LP
    Alpha(32).Width = 4 + CharacterSpaceOffSet
    Alpha(32).Height = Canvas.ScaleHeight
    ReDim Preserve Alpha(32).Pnt(Alpha(32).Width, Alpha(32).Height)
    GenHeight = Canvas.ScaleHeight
    If isImageLoaded = True Then BuildImageMatrix
    BuildMatrixString Text
End Sub
Private Sub BuildImageMatrix()
    Erase MtxImage
    Dim RetR As Byte
    Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, ImageIndex As Integer
    Dim Column As Integer, Row As Integer
    For Row = 0 To ImageRows - 1
        For Column = 0 To ImageCols - 1
            ReDim Preserve MtxImage(ImageIndex)
            MtxImage(ImageIndex).Height = ImageCellHeight
            MtxImage(ImageIndex).Width = ImageCellWidth
            ReDim Preserve MtxImage(ImageIndex).Pnt(ImageCellWidth, ImageCellHeight)
            For y = 0 To MtxImage(ImageIndex).Height
                For x = 0 To MtxImage(ImageIndex).Width
                    CRGB GetPixel(myImageDC, x + (Column * MtxImage(ImageIndex).Width), y + (Row * MtxImage(ImageIndex).Width)), RetR
                    MtxImage(ImageIndex).Pnt(x, y) = CPerc(RetR)
                Next x
            Next y
            ImageIndex = ImageIndex + 1
        Next Column
    Next Row
End Sub
Private Function CPerc(Colour As Byte) As Byte
    CPerc = Int((Colour / 255) * 100)
End Function
Private Sub BuildMatrixString(MyString As String)
    If MxCharCount = -1 Then BuildAlphaMatrix
    Dim LP As Integer
    Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
    Dim MyAscii As Integer
    Dim MxPos As Integer
    Dim StartIndex As Integer
    Dim ImageIndex As Integer
    Dim ImagesWidth As Integer
    Dim LoopTo As Long
    Dim SubLp As Integer
    MaxLead = UserControl.ScaleWidth / ElementWidth
    WidthCount = 0
    Initiated = False
    Erase MatrixString
    For LP = 1 To Len(MyString)
        MyAscii = Asc(Mid$(MyString, LP, 1))
        WidthCount = WidthCount + Alpha(MyAscii).Width
    Next LP
    ImagesWidth = GetTotalImagesWidth(MyString)
    WidthCount = WidthCount + (CharacterSpaceOffSet - 1) * Len(MyString) + (ImagesWidth)
    ReDim MatrixString((WidthCount + (MaxLead * 2)), Alpha(103).Height)
    WidthCount = WidthCount + (MaxLead * 2)
    Dim IndexWidth As Integer
    For LP = 1 To Len(MyString)
        If ImagePlaceHolder <> "" And Mid$(MyString, LP, Len(ImagePlaceHolder)) = ImagePlaceHolder Then
            LP = LP + Len(ImagePlaceHolder) - 1
            StartIndex = LP + 1
            For SubLp = StartIndex To Len(MyString)
                If IsNumeric(Mid$(MyString, SubLp, 1)) = False Or SubLp = Len(MyString) Then
                    IndexWidth = SubLp - StartIndex
                    If IndexWidth = 0 Then IndexWidth = 1: SubLp = SubLp + 1
                    If IsNumeric(Mid$(MyString, StartIndex, (IndexWidth))) = True Then
                        ImageIndex = CInt(Mid$(MyString, StartIndex, (IndexWidth)))
                        If ImageCount > 0 And ImageIndex <= ImageCount - 1 Then
                            For x = 0 To MtxImage(ImageIndex).Width - 1
                                If GenHeight > MtxImage(ImageIndex).Height Then
                                    LoopTo = MtxImage(ImageIndex).Height - 1
                                    LoopTo = GenHeight - 1
                                End If
                                For y = 0 To LoopTo
                                    If MtxImage(ImageIndex).Pnt(x, y) <> 0 Then
                                        MatrixString(MxPos + MaxLead, y) = MtxImage(ImageIndex).Pnt(x, y)
                                    ElseIf MtxImage(ImageIndex).Pnt(x, y) = 0 Then
                                        MatrixString(MxPos + MaxLead, y) = 0
                                    End If
                                Next y
                                MxPos = MxPos + 1
                            Next x
                            If DisplayErrors = True Then
                                MsgBox "Image Index Doesn't Exist", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    LP = SubLp - 1: Exit For
                End If
            Next SubLp
            MyAscii = Asc(Mid$(MyString, LP, 1))
            For x = 0 To Alpha(MyAscii).Width - 1
                For y = 0 To Alpha(MyAscii).Height - 1
                    If Alpha(MyAscii).Pnt(x, y) <> 0 Then
                        MatrixString(MxPos + MaxLead, y) = Alpha(MyAscii).Pnt(x, y)
                    ElseIf MatrixString(MxPos + MaxLead, y) = 0 Then
                        MatrixString(MxPos + MaxLead, y) = 0
                    End If
                Next y
                MxPos = MxPos + 1
            Next x
            MxPos = MxPos + (CharacterSpaceOffSet - 1)
        End If
    Next LP
    Initiated = True
End Sub
Private Function GetTotalImagesWidth(MyString As String) As Integer
    If ImageCount = 0 Then Exit Function
    Dim LP As Integer
    Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
    Dim MyAscii As Integer
    Dim MxPos As Integer
    Dim StartIndex As Integer
    Dim ImageIndex As Integer
    Dim SubLp As Integer
    Dim IndexWidth
    For LP = 1 To Len(MyString)
        If ImagePlaceHolder <> "" And Mid$(MyString, LP, Len(ImagePlaceHolder)) = ImagePlaceHolder Then
            LP = LP + Len(ImagePlaceHolder) - 1
            StartIndex = LP + 1
            For SubLp = StartIndex To Len(MyString)
                If IsNumeric(Mid$(MyString, SubLp, 1)) = False Or SubLp = Len(MyString) Then
                    IndexWidth = SubLp - StartIndex
                    If IndexWidth = 0 Then IndexWidth = 1: SubLp = SubLp + 1
                    If IsNumeric(Mid$(MyString, StartIndex, (SubLp - StartIndex))) = True Then
                        ImageIndex = CInt(Mid$(MyString, StartIndex, (SubLp - StartIndex)))
                        If ImageCount > 0 And ImageIndex <= ImageCount - 1 Then
                        GetTotalImagesWidth = GetTotalImagesWidth _
                            + MtxImage(ImageIndex).Width
                        End If
                        LP = SubLp - 1: Exit For
                    End If
                End If
            Next SubLp
        End If
    Next LP
End Function
Public Function ImageCount() As Integer
On Error GoTo CountError
    ImageCount = UBound(MtxImage) + 1
Exit Function
    ImageCount = 0
End Function
Public Property Get UseFontAntiAliasing() As Boolean
    UseFontAntiAliasing = vUseFontAntiAliasing
End Property
Public Property Let UseFontAntiAliasing(ByVal vNewValue As Boolean)
    vUseFontAntiAliasing = vNewValue
    PropertyChanged "UseFontAntiAliasing"
End Property
Public Sub ReleaseMemory()
    Erase Alpha
    Erase MatrixString
    Erase MtxImage
    DeleteObject myBufferBMP
    DeleteDC myBackBuffer
    DeleteDC myImageDC
    Set ImageCollection = Nothing
    Set vImageCollection = Nothing
End Sub
Public Property Get StartVisible() As Boolean
    StartVisible = vStartVisible
End Property
Public Property Let StartVisible(ByVal vNewValue As Boolean)
    vStartVisible = vNewValue
    PropertyChanged "StartVisible"
    If vNewValue = True Then
        vDisplayPosition = MaxLead
        vDisplayPosition = 0
    End If
    PropertyChanged "Displayposition"
End Property
Public Property Get FadeLeft() As Boolean
    FadeLeft = vFadeLeft
End Property
Public Property Let FadeLeft(ByVal vNewValue As Boolean)
    vFadeLeft = vNewValue
    PropertyChanged "FadeLeft"
End Property
Public Property Get FadeRight() As Boolean
    FadeRight = vFadeRight
End Property
Public Property Let FadeRight(ByVal vNewValue As Boolean)
    vFadeRight = vNewValue
    PropertyChanged "FadeRight"
End Property

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
    If Timer - StdTmr > 0.05 Or Timer - StdTmr < 0 Then
        LCDDisplay1.UpdateDisplay True
        StdTmr = Timer
    End If
    If Timer - FadTmr > 0.02 Or Timer - FadTmr < 0 Then
            If NavGuardTrans > 0 Then
                NavGuardTrans = NavGuardTrans - 1
            End If
            If NavGuardTrans < NavToGuardSteps Then
                NavGuardTrans = NavGuardTrans + 1
            End If
        End If
        FadTmr = Timer
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateNavGuardTrans()
    Dim x As Integer, y As Integer
    Dim Col1 As Long, Col2 As Long
    Dim BlendedColour As Long
    For y = 0 To NavControls.Width - 1
        For x = 0 To NavControls.Width - 1
            Col1 = GetPixel(ButtonDC, x, y)
            Col2 = GetPixel(ButtonDC, x + NavControls.Width, y)
            If Col1 <> RGB(255, 0, 255) Then '<> Mask Colour
                BlendedColour = Blender(Col1, Col2, NavToGuardSteps, NavGuardTrans)
                SetPixelV BufferDC, x, y, BlendedColour
                SetPixelV BufferDC, x, y, Col1
            End If
        Next x
    Next y
    TransparentBlt Picture1.hdc, NavControls.x, NavControls.y _
        , NavControls.Width, NavControls.Height, BufferDC, 0, 0 _
        , NavControls.Width, NavControls.Height, RGB(255, 0, 255)
End Sub


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yardımlarınız için teşekkürler
.rar PyramiD_LED.rar (Dosya Boyutu: 18,75 KB | İndirme Sayısı: 17)
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