Sub xRenkli()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim HdfSyf As String: HdfSyf = "Saat Bazlı Uyum"
Dim RngDz As Variant
SQLRnk = "SELECT (" & _
"trim([Data$].Kargo) & '|' & " & _
"trim([Data$].Rota) & '|' & " & _
"trim([Data$].Sehir) & '|' & " & _
"trim([Data$].AlacakDepo) & '|' & " & _
"trim([Data$].MagazaAdi) & '|' & " & _
"Format([HedefTeslimSaati],'HH:mm')) as xKey,format([TeslimTarih],"""") " & _
"FROM [Data$] " & _
"WHERE len([Data$].[Açıklama] & '' )>0"
Set ADO_CN = CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
yol = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Data1.xlsx"
ADO_CN.connectionstring = "provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;data source=" & yol & _
";extended properties=""excel 12.0;hdr=yes"""
Set ADO_RSRnk = ADO_CN.Execute(SQLRnk)
dzR = ADO_RSRnk.getrows
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(HdfSyf)
sonStr = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "J").End(xlUp).Row '3
SonStn = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column '21
RngDz = .Range(Cells(2, 6), Cells(sonStr, SonStn)).Value2
dzUstStn = UBound(RngDz, 2)
dzUstStr = UBound(RngDz, 1)
'Debug.Print .Range(Cells(2, 6), Cells(SonStr, SonStn)).Address
.UsedRange.Offset(1, 13).Interior.Color = xlNone '
.Range(.Cells(2, 14), .Cells(sonStr, SonStn)).Interior.Color = 14994616
For x = 1 To dzUstStr
If Len(RngDz(x, 1) & "") = 0 Then GoTo xDgrStr
For y = 9 To dzUstStn 'y tarihlerin başladığı sütun dizi F den başladığı ve tarihte N den başladığı için diziye göre 9. sütun
If Len(RngDz(x, y) & "") = 0 Then GoTo xDgrStn
If RngDz(x, 1) < RngDz(x, y) Then .Cells(x + 1, y + 5).Interior.Color = 255 Else .Cells(x + 1, y + 5).Interior.Color = 5296274
Next y
Next x
Dim DzMuaf As Variant
ReDim DzMuaf(2 To sonStr)
For xStr = 2 To sonStr
For stn = 1 To 6
DzMuaf(xStr) = DzMuaf(xStr) & "|" & Trim(.Cells(xStr, stn).Text)
Next stn
DzMuaf(xStr) = Mid(DzMuaf(xStr), 2)
Next xStr
Set RngTrh = .Range(.Cells(1, 14), .Cells(1, SonStn))
For x = LBound(dzR, 2) To UBound(dzR, 2)
UsrInd = Application.Match(dzR(0, x), DzMuaf, 0)
UsrTrh = Application.Match(dzR(1, x), RngTrh, 0)
If Not IsError(UsrInd) And UsrTrh > 0 Then .Cells(UsrInd + 1, UsrTrh + 13).Interior.Color = vbYellow
Next x
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub