TSC_PF_Simple isimli modülde
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If Not mFrm.bCancelled Then
'Record time since close request
Dim lngCloseRequested As Long
lngCloseRequested = GetTickCount
'In case of very short tasks, we don't want the progress meter to only show for a millisecond.
'Therefore a minimum visible time is set.
Do While GetTickCount - mLoadTime < mMinumumVisibleTime
'Form has not yet been open for minimum time.
Sleep 50
'Form has been open for minimum time, but how long was it since it reached 100% and close was requested?
Do While GetTickCount - lngCloseRequested < mTimeToClose
'Form has not yet been open for minimum time.
Sleep 50
End If
'Ready to close. clear form object
Set mFrm = Nothing
End Sub
bu kod içerisindeki
'Ready to close. clear form object metninin hemen altına
DoCmd.OpenForm "Ana Form", acNormal, , , , acWindowNormal
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_Test"
kodu ekle.
Ayrıca, Ana Form isminde form olmaz. Formun ismi frm_anaform olmalı.