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Toplu SMS gönderme

Toplu SMS gönderme

Çözüldü #10
(26/01/2009, 12:20)esrefigit yazdı: sms göndermenin 4-5 yolu var

internet üzerinden bir kayıtlı olduğun bir sms firmasının sayfasından (orange firması)
Option explicit
Const ACCESS_KEY = "568d6a389aa"
Dim stNumDest,stMessage
stNumDest  = "33612345678"
stMessage = "Hello Word"

EnvoiSms stNumDest,ACCESS_KEY,stMessage

Sub EnvoiSms(stNum, stACCESS_KEY, stMessage)
    Dim xmlDoc,stUrl
    stUrl = "" & _
        stACCESS_KEY &"&to=" & stNum & "&content=" & Escape(stMessage)
    Set xmlDoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
    if xmlDoc.Load(stUrl) and not xmldOC.selectSingleNode("/response/status/status_code") is Nothing Then
        Msgbox "Status_code = " & xmldOC.selectSingleNode("/response/status/status_code").text
        MsgBox "Error sender", vbCritical
    End if
End sub

nokia tipi telefonların hazır kodları var nokia sitesinde önce nokianın programını kuruyorsun o sana bir adet activex yüklüyor
her modelin activex kod u farklı olduğu için ben sana n6210 kodunu veriyorum
Dim ShortMsg As SMS3ASuiteLib.ShortMessage
Set SMSSend = New SMS3ASuiteLib.SMS_SuiteAdapter
Set ShortMsg = SMSSend.CreateShortMsg

ShortMsg.UserDataText = SMSmessage
If Not IsNull(SMSNumber) Then
ShortMsg.OtherEndAddress = SMSNumber
SMSNumber = InputBox("Kinek küldjük az üzenetet? (+OOkkSSSSSSS)", "Telefonszám is kellene...", "+36")
ShortMsg.OtherEndAddress = SMSNumber
End If

ShortMsg.SCAddress = "+36209300099"
ShortMsg.StatusReportRequest = 1

Call SMSSend.Send(ShortMsg)
pSMS = ShortMsg
SMSNotify_ShortMsgSent (pSMS)

Set SMSSend = Nothing

buda başka bir nokia kodu

Option Compare Database
Private SMSSend As SMS3ASuiteLib.SMS_SuiteAdapter
Private WithEvents SMSNotify As SMS3ASuiteLib.SMS_SuiteAdapter
Public puSMS_SuiteAdapter As SMS3ASuiteLib.SMS_SuiteAdapter

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Set puSMS_SuiteAdapter = New S3ASuiteLib.SMS_SuiteAdapter
    Call puSMS_SuiteAdapter.StartListeningEvents

End Sub

Private Sub CreateMessageButton_Click()
    Dim ShortMsg As SMS3ASuiteLib.ShortMessage
    Set SMSSend = New SMS3ASuiteLib.SMS_SuiteAdapter
    Set ShortMsg = SMSSend.CreateShortMsg
    ShortMsg.UserDataText = SMSmessage
    ShortMsg.OtherEndAddress = SMSNumber
    ShortMsg.SCAddress = "+36209300099"  'replace w/ your SMS centre number
    ShortMsg.StatusReportRequest = 1 'if you want a delivery report
    Call SMSSend.Send(ShortMsg)
    pSMS = ShortMsg
    SMSNotify_ShortMsgSent (pSMS) 'if you want a notification
    Set SMSSend = Nothing
End Sub

    Private Sub SMSNotify_ShortMsgSent(ByVal pSMS As SMS3ASuiteLib.ShortMessage)
        Dim msbo
        msbo = MsgBox("Msg sent to" & pSMS.OtherEndAddress, vbInformation, "SMS")
End Sub

3 hazır activex ile tabii activex paralı
bu sitede var

4 modem özellikli bir cep telefonundan comm port üzerinden form üzerine ekleyeceğin mscomm.ocx active x ile yapabilirsin lakin 2003 de lisans problemi var 2000 office lisans istemiyor ancak 2003 de kullanmak için daha önceden eklenmiş bir form bulabilirsen ofrmu al ver olayı ile kendi programına geçirerek kullanabilirsin
Option Explicit

Public Function RemoveInternationalDiallingCode(ByVal tTelNumber As String) As String
    RemoveInternationalDiallingCode = "0" & Mid(tTelNumber, 4)
End Function

Public Function GetSMSNum(ByVal tSMSNotification As String) As String
    Dim lCRPos As Long
    lCRPos = InStrRev(tSMSNotification, vbCr)
    If lCRPos > 0 Then GetSMSNum = Mid(tSMSNotification, lCRPos - 2, 2)
    If Left(GetSMSNum, 1) = "," Then GetSMSNum = Right(GetSMSNum, 1)
End Function

Public Function ReadSMS(comms As MSComm, ByVal tSMSNum As String, tMessage As String, tSender As String, tDate As String, tTime As String, bRead As Boolean) As Boolean
    Dim tChar As String * 1
    Dim i As Long
    Dim tRead As String
    Dim lQuoteNum As Long
    Dim tDateTime As String
    Dim tData As String
    Const TIMEOUT = 10000
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
    tData = "AT+CMGR=" & tSMSNum & vbCr
    comms.InBufferCount = 0
    comms.Output = tData
    tData = ""
    i = timeGetTime
    Do While timeGetTime - i <= TIMEOUT And InStr(tData, "OK" & vbCrLf) = 0 And InStr(tData, "ERROR" & vbCrLf) = 0
        If comms.InBufferCount > 0 Then
            tChar = comms.Input
            tData = tData & tChar
        End If
    If InStr(tData, "ERROR") = 0 And tData <> "" Then
        For i = 1 To Len(tData)
            tChar = Mid(tData, i, 1)
            If tChar = """" Then lQuoteNum = lQuoteNum + 1
            If lQuoteNum = 1 And tChar <> """" Then tRead = tRead & tChar
            If lQuoteNum = 3 And tChar <> """" Then tSender = tSender & tChar
            If lQuoteNum = 5 And tChar <> """" Then tDateTime = tDateTime & tChar
            If lQuoteNum = 6 And tChar <> """" Then tMessage = tMessage & tChar
        Next i
        bRead = (tRead = "REC READ")
        tDate = Left(tDateTime, 8)
        tTime = Mid(tDateTime, 10, 8)
        tMessage = Mid(tMessage, 3)
        tMessage = Mid(tMessage, 1, InStr(tMessage, vbCr) - 1)
        ReadSMS = True
    End If
    Exit Function
    ReadSMS = False
End Function

Public Function DeleteAllSMSes(comms As MSComm) As Boolean
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To 15
        DeleteAllSMSes = InStr(TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+CMGD=" & i & vbCr), "OK")
    Next i
End Function

Public Function DeleteSMS(comms As MSComm, ByVal lSMSNum As Long) As Boolean
    DeleteSMS = InStr(TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+CMGD=" & lSMSNum & vbCr), "OK")
End Function

Public Function SendSMS(comms As MSComm, ByVal tSMSNum As String, ByVal tMessage As String) As Boolean
    SendSMS = InStr(TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+CMGS=" & """" & tSMSNum & """" & vbCr & tMessage & Chr(26)), "OK")
End Function

Public Function TestModem(comms As MSComm) As String
    TestModem = TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT")
End Function

Public Function ManufacturerInfo(comms As MSComm) As String
    ManufacturerInfo = TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+CGMI")
End Function

Public Function ModelInfo(comms As MSComm) As String
    ModelInfo = TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+CGMM")
End Function

Public Function FirmwareInfo(comms As MSComm) As String
    FirmwareInfo = TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+CGMR")
End Function

Public Function IMEIInfo(comms As MSComm) As String
    IMEIInfo = TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+CGSN")
End Function

Public Function IMSIInfo(comms As MSComm) As String
    IMSIInfo = TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+CIMI")
End Function

Public Function EF_CCIDInfo(comms As MSComm) As String
    EF_CCIDInfo = TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+CCID")
End Function

Public Function NetworkRegStatus(comms As MSComm) As String
    NetworkRegStatus = TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+CREG?")
End Function

Public Function AvailablePLMNs(comms As MSComm) As String
    AvailablePLMNs = TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+COPS?")
End Function

Public Function NetworkFieldStrength(comms As MSComm) As String
    NetworkFieldStrength = TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+CSQ")
End Function

Public Function MainCellMainParams(comms As MSComm) As String
    MainCellMainParams = TransmitAndReceiveData(comms, "AT+CCED=0")
End Function

Public Function TransmitAndReceiveData(comms As MSComm, ByVal tData As String) As String
    Dim lTime As Long
    Const TIMEOUT = 10000
    tData = tData & vbCr
    With comms
        .InBufferCount = 0
        .Output = tData
        tData = ""
        lTime = timeGetTime
        tData = ""
        Do While timeGetTime - lTime <= TIMEOUT And InStr(tData, "OK") = 0 And InStr(tData, "ERROR" & vbCrLf) = 0
            If .InBufferCount > 0 Then tData = tData & .Input
    End With
    TransmitAndReceiveData = tData
End Function

buda comm port olayının c# kodu

4. yol için yardımcı olabilecek arkadaş varmı acaba

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