çok teşekkürler ellerinize sağlık
bir de resize olayına bakabilir misiniz şu kodu bu forma uyarlamam lazım
Public Sub SizeControls()
Dim lFWidth As Single, lFHeight As Single
Dim lLeft As Single, lTop As Single, lWidth As Single, lHeight As Single
Dim lDayLeft As Single, lDayTop As Single, lDayWidth As Single, lDayHeight As Single
Dim lWeekdayHeight As Single
Dim i As Integer, X As Integer, iT As Integer
Dim bAbbreviate As Boolean
Dim UF As Form
Const lPano As Single = 3000
On Error Resume Next
If bHaftaAcik Then
lWeekdayHeight = lblkw1.Width
lWeekdayHeight = 0
End If
With Me
.Painting = False
lFWidth = .InsideWidth
lFHeight = .InsideHeight - (.Section(acHeader).Height + .Section(acFooter).Height)
lFHeight = lFHeight - 100
lLeft = 50
lTop = 50
lWidth = IIf(bNavigasyonPanosu, lFWidth - (lPano + 50), lFWidth - 100)
lHeight = lFHeight
.lblBaslik.Width = lFWidth
If TakvimTipi = enHafta Then
lDayLeft = lLeft
lDayTop = lTop + 205
lDayHeight = lHeight - 250
lDayWidth = lWidth \ 6
For i = 1 To 42
With Me("altfrmGun" & i)
Select Case i
Case 1 To 5
.Left = lLeft
.Top = lTop + 250
.Height = lDayHeight
With Me("lblGun" & i)
.Left = lLeft
.Top = lTop
.Width = lDayWidth
.Height = 250
End With
Case 6
.Left = lLeft
.Top = lTop + 250
.Height = (lHeight \ 2) - 250
With Me("lblGun" & i)
.Left = lLeft
.Top = lTop
.Width = lDayWidth
.Height = 250
End With
Case 7
.Left = Me("altfrmGun" & i - 1).Left
.Top = (lTop + (lHeight \ 2)) + 250
.Height = (lHeight \ 2) - 250
With Me("lblGun" & i)
.Left = Me("altfrmGun" & i).Left
.Top = Me("altfrmGun" & i).Top - 250
.Width = lDayWidth
.Height = 250
End With
End Select
.Width = lDayWidth
.Visible = (i < 8)
End With
lLeft = lLeft + lDayWidth
Next i
lDayLeft = lLeft + lWeekdayHeight
lDayTop = lTop + 250
lDayHeight = (lHeight - 250) / 6
lDayWidth = (lWidth - lWeekdayHeight) / 7
bAbbreviate = lDayWidth < 900
For i = 1 To 6
For X = 1 To 7
If i = 1 Then
With Me("lblGun" & X)
.Left = lDayLeft
.Top = lTop
.Width = lDayWidth
.Height = 250
.Caption = WeekdayName(CLng(X), bAbbreviate)
End With
lDayLeft = lDayLeft + lDayWidth
End If
With Me("altfrmGun" & X + iT)
.Width = lDayWidth
.Left = Me("lblGun" & X).Left
.Height = lDayHeight
.Top = lDayTop
On Error Resume Next
Set UF = .Form
Call FormBars(UF)
.Visible = True
End With
Next X
If bHaftaAcik Then
With Me("lblkw" & i)
.Left = lLeft + 10
.Top = lDayTop
.Height = lDayHeight
End With
End If
iT = iT + 7
lDayTop = lDayTop + lDayHeight
Next i
End If
.altfrmPano.Move lFWidth - lPano, 50, lPano, lFHeight
.altfrmPano.Visible = bNavigasyonPanosu
.Painting = True
End With
End Sub
bundaki gereksizleri çıkarıp forma uydurmam gerekiyor